TAC & Worksafe Home Cleaning
Over 20 years industry experience
One-clean is an approved service provider with both TAC & Worksafe and can assist with all your home cleaning needs during this difficult time.
If you have had an injury or accident and are eligible for Home Help please give our friendly staff a call to discuss your cleaning requirements. We understand the stress you are under while dealing with an injury and our services offer complete peace of mind to you and your family, knowing the cleanliness of your home is being looked after by a team of professionals.
TAC & Worksafe house cleaning in Ballarat, Bendigo, Castlemaine, Creswick, Daylesford, Kyneton, Macedon, Trentham, Woodend & surrounding areas
Fully insured for your protection
Over 20 years experience
Female owned & operated
Police checked & reliable staff